The 5th ENRI International Workshop on ATM/CNS 2017

To EIWAC participants,

ENRI International Workshop on ATM/CNS (EIWAC2017) successfully ended on November 16th. More than six hundred participants were at the workshop. There were 72 presentations in the forms of plenary, invited, technical sessions. The speakers were from 13 different countries and 4 international organizations.

As for selected papers, TPC concludes nomination for selected papers, and have already contacted all authors.

We express our deepest gratitude to you all for the outstanding presentations/papers and fruitful discussions in the EIWAC. We understand that your participation and cooperation have contributed to achieve this great success.

As announced in the concluding remark, we will start preparing for the sixth EIWAC soon. We do hope you will be interested in the next EIWAC as well and will plan to join us.

We thank you again and look forward to seeing you again soon.

The 5th ENRI International Workshop on ATM/CNS
Theme Drafting Future Skies
Date Nov. 14~16, 2017
Venue Congres Square Nakano
( close to Nakano Station on JR Chuo Line )

Report on EIWAC2017

IEICE Communications Society, GLOBALNEWSLETTER VOL.42, No.2, pp28-29(PDF 572KB)

copyright ©2018 IEICE

Springer Selected Papers of EIWAC2017

“Air Traffic Management and Systems III – Selected Papers of the 5th ENRI International Workshop on ATM/CNS (EIWAC2017)” is now available on:

photo of book.


Conference program (final) (PDF 477KB)

DAY1 14th Tuesday [Convention Hall]

DAY1 14th Tuesday [Convention Hall]
Opening Remarks
Mr. Shigeru Ozeki, Managing Director for Research Affairs, ENRI(Secretary General, EIWAC2017 Organizing Committee)
Welcome Address
Prof. Hiroyuki Yamato, President, MPAT.
Keynote Speech, ICAO
Global Plans and Importance of Global Interoperability
+Mr. Stephen P. Creamer, Director, Air Navigation Bureau, ICAO
Keynote Speech, SESAR
Towards a Digital Aviation Infrastructure
+Mr. Florian Guillermet, Executive Director, SESAR JU
Keynote Speech, FAA
Aviation: A Global Digital Journey.
+Ms. Pamela Whitley, Assistant Administrator for NextGen, FAA
Keynote Speech, JCAB
CARATS Long- term Vision for Air Traffic Systems - The Challenge for realization of Future technology -
+Mr. Yasuhiro Iijima, Director General, Air Navigation Services Department, JCAB
Keynote Speech, ENRI
Perspective on the role of R&D toward the future sky
+Speaker: Mr. Masahiro Kudo, Director General, ENRI
Closing Remarks for Keynote Sessions
Mr. Shigeru Ozeki, Managing Director for Research Affairs, ENRI(Secretary General, EIWAC2017 Organizing Committee)

DAY2 15th Wednesday [Conference Room 1]

Organized Session / Future Radio Technologies (1)

Chair N. Yonemoto, ENRI

Organized Session / Future Radio Technologies (1)
EN-A-082 Wireless-optical signal converter utilizing stacked-patch antennas and electro-optic substrates
+H.Murata, Osaka University
EN-A-075 Frequency Steerable 60 GHz Multibeam Antennas for 5G Hot-Spots
+M. Steeg, University of Duisburg-Essen
EN-A-060 ADS-B latency estimation technology for surveillance performance assessment
+Y. Kakubari, ENRI
EN-A-065 Jamming and Spoofing Protection for ADS-B Mode S Receiver through Array Signal Processing
+J. Naganawa, ENRI
EN-I-080 90GHz-band FOD detection Radar system for Runway Surveillance
+Y. Sato, Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc.
Organized Session / Future Radio Technologies (2)

Chair S.Futatsumori, ENRI

Organized Session / Future Radio Technologies (2)
EN-A-079 Interference mitigation in linear cell FOD radar by using FMCW signal source with different sweep speed
+K. Akama, Waseda University
EN-A-027 Millimeter-wave Imaging for FOD Detection
+Ch. Pichot Universite Cote d'Azur
EN-A-067 Simulation Evaluation of the Number of MmWave Access Points to Cover the Passenger Car of High Speed Trains
+F. Lu, KDDI Research, Inc.
EN-A-081 Bistatic Radar System in Terahertz Bands Based on Radio Over Fiber Network
+A. Kanno, NICT
Technical Session / Trajectory Management

Chair J. Westphal, Jeppesen GmbH

Technical Session / Trajectory Management
EN-A-033 Efficient Continuous Descents at Tokyo International Airport
+K. Hayashi, The University of Tokyo
EN-A-018 Trajectory Mathematical Distance Applied to Airspace Major Flows Extraction
+D. Delahaye, ENAC
EN-A-074 Optimization of military missions impact on civilian 4D trajectories
+A. Islami, ENAC

DAY2 15th Wednesday [Conference Room 2]

Technical Session / ATM Performance

Chair K. Kageyama, ENRI

Technical Session / ATM Performance
EN-A-004 Air Traffic Management Performance Benchmarking - A disaggregated approach
+T. Standfuss, DLR
EN-A-032 Future airspace design by dynamic sectorization
+M. Schultz, DLR
EN-I-014 Data-Driven Modeling of the Air Traffic Departure Flow Analysis in Multi-Airport Systems
+Z. Zhao, NUAA
EN-A-026 An approach for attribute- and performance-basedevaluation of interdependent critical infrastructures
+T. Feuerle, Technische Universitat Braunschweig
EN-I-061 Operational resilience of the airport network
+X. Xu, NUAA
Technical Session / Airport Management

Chair R. Mori, ENRI

Technical Session / Airport Management
EN-I-034 The role of research organizations in SESAR 2020
+H. H. Toebben, DLR
EN-A-023 Europe’s next step in Airport Performance Management Research
+F. Piekert, DLR
EN-A-017 A Study of Tradeoffs in Airport Coordinated Surface Operations
+J. Ma, ENAC
EN-A-011 Reliable aircraft boarding for fast turnarounds
+M. Schultz, DLR
Organized Session / Space Weather

Chair S. Saito, ENRI

Organized Session / Space Weather
EN-I-036 Discussion of Space Weather in ICAO and RelatedResearch Activity in Japan
+M. Ishii, NICT
EN-I-049 Warning System for Aviation Exposure to SolarEnergetic Particle (WASAVIES)
+T. Sato, Japan AtomicEnergy Agency
EN-A-063 HF-START: Application in aid of radio communications/navigation
+K.Hozumi, NICT

DAY2 15th Wednesday [Conference Room 3]

Chair Poster Session
Chair Poster Session
EN-A-005 Interactive prediction of airport noise monitoring databased on time-series similarity
+L. Chen-hui, NUAA
EN-A-010 Research on the Measure and Division of the BusynessLevel of Airspace Waypoints
+X. Hua, NUAA
EN-I-012 HF-START: Application in aid of radio communications/navigation
+Y. Peng, NUAA
EN-A-030 Design of Domain Specific Ontology to Avoid Miscommunication between Pilots and Ground Control Operator
+H. Takahashi, DHA SuffaUniversity
EN-A-054 Research on the architecture of UAV-ATM information platform based on mobile 4G network
+Z. Geng, L. Ma, Civil AviationUniversity of China
EN-A-057 Prediction of Flight Time Uncertainty for 4D Trajectory Management
+A. Motodani, Tokyo Metropolitan University
EN-A-068 Online Trajectory Prediction through Updating Aircraft Position and Aircraft Intent
+J. Liu, NUAA
EN-A-069 Integrated Arrival & Departure Aircraft Sequencing under the Influence of Sequential Flights
+X. M. Dai, NUAA
EN-I-089 Ground and on-board ATM procedures prototyping tools
+K. Glagovskiy, GosNIIAS

DAY3 16th Thursday [Conference Room 1]

Organized Session GBAS

Chair Y. Fukuda, ENRI

Organized Session GBAS
EN-A-078 Development of a CAT-III GBAS (GAST-D) ground subsystem prototype and its performance evaluation with a long term-data set
+T. Yoshihara, ENRI
EN-A-008 GBAS Interoperability and Multi-Constellation / Multi-Frequency Trials
+T. Feuerle, Technische Universitat Braunschweig
EN-A-031 Interoperability of ENRI GAST-D Prototype with Different Airborne Software Implementations
+S. Saito, ENRI
EN-I-076 Assessment of CAT-I GBAS under the ionospheric conditions in Thailand using APAC ionospheric threat model
+S. Rungruengwajiake, Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand
EN-I-088 How to fly all approach types? Airbus xLS concept: from ILS to SLS
+F. Belloir, Airbus
Technical Session / Traffic Capacity & Congestion Management

Chair Y. Miyazawa, ENRI

Technical Session / Traffic Capacity & Congestion Management
EN-I-071 The Flow centric approach: an emerging concept from SESAR R&D
+P. Souchu, DSNA
Organized Session / SWIM

Chair Y. Miyazawa, ENRI

Organized Session / SWIM
EN-I-009 Collaboration to Implement Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) Capabilities in the Region with Multiple Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs)
+M. Tanino, Federal Aviation Administration(FAA)
EN-I-077 Geo-Informatics Platform for Aviation
+S. Chaimatanan, Geo-Informatics andSpace Technology Development Agency
EN-A-053 Design of a software environment to support machine learning analysis of aircraft trajectories
+C. Morales, NATO Eurofighterand Tornado
EN-A-056 Coordinated Validation for SWIM Concept-Oriented Operation to Achieve Interoperability
+X. Lu, ENRI

DAY3 16th Thursday [Conference Room 2]

Technical Session / UAS

Chair W. Johnson, NASA

Technical Session / UAS
EN-I-084 Traffic Management of Unmanned Aircraft Systems(TM-UAS) in Urban Environment
+W. Chi, ATMRI, Nanyang Technological University
EN-I-006 The MoNIfly approach to an Unmanned Traffic Management System (UTM)
+B.Blom, Technische Universitat Braunschweig
EN-I-035 A Concept for Coordinated UAV Operations Based on Local-Area Differential GNSS Navigation and Guidance
+S. Pullen, Stanford University
EN-A-050 Simulation Techniques for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Trajectories including Signal Propagation
+D. Toratani, ENRI
EN-A-042 The Effects of Alert Scoring and Alert Jitter on a Minimum Operations Performance Standards Unmanned Aircraft Systems Detect and Avoid System
+R. W. Ghatas, NASA Langley Research Center
Technical Session / ATM Modeling (1)

Chair A. Harada, Kochi University of Technology

Technical Session / ATM Modeling (1)
EN-I-001 Improving Airline Disruption Management through a Virtual Digital Airline Simulation
+J. Westphal, Boeing Global Services
EN-A-003 Integration of unmanned freight formation flights in the European air traffic management system
+T. Luchkova, DLR
EN-A-051 Design of a Multi-Agent System framework for Decentralized Decision Making in Air Traffic Management
+T. Koca, Autonomous University of Barcelona
EN-I-020 A Conceptual Approach for Efficient Arrival Operations via the Integration of Fixed-Flight Path Angle Descentand GBAS Landing System
+N. K. Wickramasinghe, ENRI
Technical Session / ATM Modeling (2)

Chair N. Takeichi, Tokyo Metropolitan University

Technical Session / ATM Modeling (2)
EN-A-024 From Perfect to Possible: Two Trajectory Based Operation Concepts for Future Terminal Manoeuvring Areas
+J. Rataj, DLR
EN-A-044 Optimal location of temporary military zones within civil aviation traffic
+N. WANG, Universite de Toulouse
EN-A-055 Cost Index Estimation via Optimization based Trajectory Prediction
+A. Harada, Kochi University of Technology
EN-A-058 A Possibility of Continuous Descent Operation in the Congested Airspace
+T. Wakayama, Kochi University of Technology

DAY3 16th Thursday [Conference Room 3]

Technical Session / Aviation Safety

Chair S. Nagaoka, ENRI

Technical Session / Aviation Safety
EN-I-087 What will air traffic controllers (ATCOs) be doing in the future, in a more automated ATM environment?
+K. Moebus, skyguide ? swissair navigation services, ltd.
EN-A-022 Analysis of Positive and Negative Effects of Salience on the ATC Task Performance
+H. Yoshida, The University of Tokyo
EN-A-028 Aircraft Safety Analysis using Generalized Polynomial Chaos
+J. Diepolder, Technical University of Munich
EN-A-029 Preliminary analysis on safety assessment for off-set routes
+J. Han, The Korea Transport Institute(KOTI)
EN-A-059 Performance Analysis of Shenzhen Airlines’ 4D/15 Tracking Demonstration
+Z. Zhang, Civil Aviation University of China(CAUC)
Technical Session / Aviation Weather

Chair T. Yoshihara, ENRI

Technical Session / Aviation Weather
EN-A-048 ATM Performance Analysis considering Minimum Climatology Impact Trajectories
+D. Gonz´alez-Arribas, Universidad CarlosIII de Madrid
EN-A-073 Robust Optimal Trajectory Planning under Uncertain Winds and Convective Risk
+D. Gonz´alez-Arribas, Universidad CarlosIII de Madrid
EN-I-085 Development of 3D Rapid Scanning High Resolution X-Band Phased Array Weather Radar
+T. Kashiwayanagi, Japan Radio Co.,Ltd.
Technical Session / CNS Systems

Chair D. Kuegler, DLR

Technical Session / CNS Systems
EN-A-037 Estimation of 3-dimensional location and velocity using range with bias error and Doppler measurements
+Y. Kosuge, ENRI
EN-A-072 Automatic Detection of Airport Runway Area Based on Super-Pixel PolSAR Image Classification
+P. Han, Civil Aviation University of China
EN-I-052 French DSNA approach to CNS rationalization & evolution
+J.M.Loscos, DSNA/DTI